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Despite evidence to the contrary, Americans do not feel like the United States is becoming a safer place. The Chapman Survey on American Fears asked how they think prevalence of several crimes today compare with 20 years ago. In all cases, the clear majority of respondents were pessimistic; and in all cases Americans believe crime has at least remained steady. Crimes specifically asked about were: child abduction, gang violence, human trafficking, mass riots, pedophilia, school shootings, serial killing and sexual assault.
In at least three novels - Duddy Kravitz, St. Urbain's Horseman, and Joshua Then and Now- Richler is keenly aware of the adapted, parodied, and perverted intangibles of Empire. Therichest response is in Duddy Kravitz, a splendidly original variation on the boy of Empire on thethreshold of manhood. If Duddy is an apprentice, a learner, a novice, who is his employer,teacher, master? Since the "Captains and the Kings" have departed, the remaining grotesqueriesdo not act according to the rules. If the game is no longer cricket, what is it? Joshua's father, forexample, clad in shorts and diamond socks, breakfasting on a Labatt's, confronts his eleven year-old son, not behaving the way fathers behaved in G. A. Henty novels or in Boys Own Annual. The English of Montreal, a city which has seen the withdrawal of two Empires, are depicted byRichler rather like Paul Scott's characters in his "staying on" novels. The situation is still, uniquelyin Canada, Colonial, but on the point of disintegration. However, Westmount remains, "with acricket pitch and its own police force. Where the snow was cleared instantly, and if even a crack,never mind a real pot-hole, opened on the streets a French-Canadian came running with a shovelof hot tar - "Yes, sir. Right away, boss";25 Selwyn House, with its rosy-cheeked pupils in blazersand flannels; and McGill, with its Oxbridge architecture and its Jewish quota. But "the skies ofloyal Westmount are troubled, a colony besieged."26 Duddy begins by destroying his teacher, aScotsman of once impeccable principles and dedication, by driving him to drink and then Verdun. Duddy is a reluctant and temporary part of the once proud militarism of the Empire; the deserting,out-of-step Cadet Corps led by Commander-in-Chief W. E. James (Jew spelt backwards) cannotsurvive the march through the ghetto, leave alone "thirty miles . . . through rain and mud that wasknee-deep. 'Is that what I pay school fees for?'"27 Duddy cannot run with the McGill crowd -those poor little lambs who have gone astray - though Irwin and Duddy's brother, Lenny, becomeingratiating anti-Semitic parodies. He exploits the pastoral heir, little Eve, who also aids and abets Duddy inbuying up the French-Canadian farmland and is initially willing enough to come to the city to behis girl-Friday, a novel variation on an earlier Empire myth. He cripples Virgil or what remains ofthe classical curriculum of the public school and Colonial America. But he is really driven, not tocreate anew, but to re-create the caste and colour power structures of Empire. "Neither of thetwo hotels that were still in their hands admitted Jews, but that, like the British raj that stilllingered on the Malabar Coast, was not so discomforting as it was touchingly defiant. For even asthey played croquet and sipped their gin and tonics behind protecting pines, they could not missthe loud, swarthy parade outside."28 Here, as in other Colonial contexts, all that is desirable isepitomized by the white man, in this case Hugh Thomas Calder, who has perverted his inheritanceand stimulates his jaded appetite by dropping $100 bills in urinals. Calder's issue is his rich bitchdaughter who has just had an abortion, and, when Duddy ceases to be amusing and exotic, Calderdrops him, too. So eventually Duddy occupies, but cannot inherit, the house of Uncle Benjy,which represented his idea of how an English lord lived. Duddy pillages it because he is "not aBritish lord and this isn't the old ancestral home."29 He is the new Barbarian.