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Maverick Wright
Maverick Wright

Patanjali Yoga Sutras In Hindi Pdf

According to Wujastyk, referencing Maas, Patanjali integrated yoga from older traditions in Pātañjalayogaśāstra, and added his own explanatory passages to create the unified work that, since 1100 CE, has been considered the work of two people.[1] Together the compilation of Patanjali's sutras and the Vyasabhasya, is called Pātañjalayogaśāstra.[28]

Patanjali Yoga Sutras In Hindi Pdf

Scholars hold that both texts, the sutras and the commentary were written by one person. According to Philipp A. Maas, based on a study of the original manuscripts, Patañjali's composition was entitled Pātañjalayogaśāstra ("The Treatise on Yoga according to Patañjali") and consisted of both Sūtras and Bhāṣya. This means that the Bhāṣya was in fact Patañjali's own work.[32]

Book 3 of Patanjali's Yogasutra is dedicated to soteriological aspects of yoga philosophy. Patanjali begins by stating that all limbs of yoga are a necessary foundation to reaching the state of self-awareness, freedom and liberation. He refers to the three last limbs of yoga as samyama, in verses III.4 to III.5, and calls it the technology for "discerning principle" and mastery of citta and self-knowledge.[51][52] In verse III.12, the Yogasutras state that this discerning principle then empowers one to perfect sant (tranquility) and udita (reason) in one's mind and spirit, through intentness. This leads to one's ability to discern the difference between sabda (word), artha (meaning) and pratyaya (understanding), and this ability empowers one to compassionately comprehend the cry/speech of all living beings.[53][54] Once a yogi reaches this state of samyama, it leads to unusual powers, intuition, self-knowledge, freedoms and kaivalya, the redemptive goal of the yogi.[53]

Other scholars state there are differences between the teachings in the Yoga Sutras and those in Buddhist texts.[88][89] Patanjali's Yoga Sutras for example, states Michele Desmarias, accept the concept of a Self or soul behind the operational mind, while Buddhists do not accept such a Self exists. The role of Self is central to the idea of Saṃyoga, Citta, Self-awareness and other concepts in Chapters 2 through 4 of the Yoga sutras, according to Desmarias.[89]

The first chapter of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali discusses the meaning of yoga. The messaging in the 51 sutras in this section speaks to those who have already adopted yoga into their daily life, and focuses on themes of enlightenment, concentration, and meditation.

Moving forward in the book, but perhaps backward in philosophy, chapter two of the Yoga Sutras explains how to achieve a yogic state. The 55 sutras in this section discuss the practice of yoga, and introduce the eight limbs of yoga, which are:

The final chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali contains 34 sutras that focus on liberation and freedom from suffering. Here, the text explores the ultimate goals of yoga and provides thoughtful insight on the unconditional, absolute liberation yoga provides.

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Samadhi pada does so through 51 sutras that teach you the core postulates of yoga, the obstacles you need to overcome, the importance of constant practice or abhyasa, and the detachment from material experiences or vairagya. According to sage Patanjali, this is the process of becoming One.

As to the question of originality, although Patañjali (at least, as evidenced in his Yoga Sutras) is clearly of the lineage of Hiranyagarbha and Kapila, he does differ from them in important respects. This could have been because he had genuinely had ideas of his own. But yoga was strongly associated with the shramana tradition, these being wandering forest mendicants and seekers. It therefore encouraged independence of thought. So Patañjali could just as well have been trying to bring order to a system with widely divergent methods. Some insist that 'all' he did was bring together and summarize a varied body of texts most of which have now been lost. Whatever was his inspiration, Patañjali does seem to have propounded many ideas that were not of the mainstream in either Sankhya or Yoga. He recognizes ego, for example, but does not accept it is a separate principle. He recognizes the subtle body but does not regard it as permanent. He also denies that it can operate directly on external things. These ideas differ from the mainstream, at that time, in both Sankhya and Yoga. Like all others concerning Patañjali the question of what is original with him is well nigh impossible to settle. The Yoga Sutras could easily have been his original thoughts on both Sankhya and Yoga. On the other hand, he could have been reinterpreting and clarifying what others had said, freeing them at the same time from contradictions. The very least that can be said is that he brought many threads, some dating back to the Vedas and Upanishads, together; and that he did so with what modern psychology would call genius. What had previously been long-winded and obscure he encapsulated in the nuggets of his sutras; and what had previously been abstract he made practical and easy to validate through the lives and experiences of a long line of teachers and practitioners. While the Yoga Sutras initially appears to be a dry and theoretical text, it explains human nature and psychology while also being an intensely practical manual for spiritual advancement.

Although the underlying messages of the yoga sutras will be up to the individual to interpret, there are a few overarching teachings that the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali will hopefully instill in all the students that wish to read and be guided.

As far as the origin of the teachings that the sutras are based on, that remains a bit of a mystery. The assumption is that Patanjali collected all the thoughts, mantras, and teachings of yoga from generations before him.

The first chapter in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is composed of around 51 sutras, all about the idea of enlightenment. Not only does it help define the goal of enlightenment using yoga, but it also explains what yoga is.

As the building blocks for the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and all yoga practices after it, it is essential to understand the seven laws of yoga practice. Knowing the seven laws will keep you grounded as you think over sutras as you move through the poses during the session.

The simple answer is that they were meant to be vague. The yoga sutras were never meant to provide complete information on Raja Yoga. In earlier times, yoga was a secret and a sacred knowledge. It was only meant to be given to those who deemed worthy by proving their desire for enlightenment and a high degree of discipline and sacrifice.

Aruna has lived and studied in a traditional teaching gurukulam for over nine years in India and two years in the U.S. Wishing to help yoga students ground the traditional purpose of yoga in the revered scriptures of India, Aruna releases Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Translation and Commentary in the Light of Vedanta Scripture. This presents the yoga discipline as its practitioners in the ancient scriptures understood and practiced. There is also a translation only booklet of these sutras, Patanjali Yoga Sutras: A Translation in the Light of Vedanta Scripture, useful for classroom introductions and repeated readings of this enlightening work.


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