Cat Shit One 2010.rar
CLICK HERE ->->->-> rate : 4.3 / 5 - 15 votes { \"@context\": \" \", \"@type\": \"AggregateRating\", \"ratingValue\": \"4.3\", \"ratingCount\": \"15\", \"itemReviewed\": { \"@type\": \"CreativeWorkSeries\", \"name\": \"cat shit one 80\", \"image\": \" -1583491216.jpg\" } }
GENIUS! NOW WHERE'S MMD4!!!! - ive been using this skin for a while now (years)but theres no other greater/better/geniussershit then when is the new 1 comming out!!!at least let us know if their is going to be 1!!! - August 20, 2008 by Briohimovic Rhymes
Nick Amato Shite - This is The hot shite. You can even put the Bass ad Treble all the way up to 100% by using the little nubs. Because if you open on the equalizer \"Full Bass And Treble\" it doesn't go all the way up. If you're a Winamp Pro I suggest you download this skin. - April 11, 2004 by Nick Amato
AWSOME SHIT MAN!!! - Just when u thought it cant get any better, it jus did people... How kick ass can a skin get... man... Please feel free to tell your grand kids about this shit right here ok... lol What more can be said Keep up the good work ok... i look forward to the next version of this skin... [email protected] - November 2, 2003 by Mark Hunter
I love it.... Oh God I love it... - I don't know what to say...There's a beer color! And a pool. Like 7 silvers and, I love it... It's so awesome. Looks so real. Damn! How long did this take! I can't believe it... The first time I used it it fucked up my Winamp but now... I reinstalled it and.... Wow. Listen people... Downlooad this. This is some crazy shit right here.... So realistic! God, I can't get over it! Oh man... I'm done looking for skins for a long time... - October 20, 2003 by Jesse Cote
Simply the best skin you can ever imagine. - The color schemes ALONE deserve at least 1987528307234752348907357 stars. Holy shit... -lusts- this skin is so sexy its the only skin actually worth downloading ever... ahhh sex skin - February 12, 2003 by connor fraser
Nullsoft screwed Winamp but he breathed life in it. - Excellence you can reach, Perfection but is God's business. I'm looking to kick the ass who said it!I downgraded from WinAmp2.x to WinAMP3 just for this bliss. If there ever was anything skinned to perfection and beyond, it's definitely this hot & sexy skin. Holy shit! To begin with, Nullsoft screwed the lightweight player with winamp3, which sucks 35Megs and then they throw a skin which is straight out of heaven. What a beauty! Exquisite, enviable, elegance amplified. What did you have for lunch before going for this mother-of-all skin. Not long ago I used to dream about being credited for cool utilities like Winzip,winamp,notepad. And now, I ponder over how would you handle oodles of praise. God bless you. I hope this skin doesn't gets compared to anything on this planet. It's a cut above the rest. To be candid, this is the first time any skin has really justified the skinning of apps. If you dont use it you are not living. That's all. By the way, what's next Sven. Would we be lucky enough to see you outskin your own masterpiece. Boy, this skin gives me goosebumps!!!Would like to write till eternity about this skin, but I'm not AOL's attorney so I guess I'd rather stop here, but MMD Version SE.XXX is unstoppable. Bet it !Love to ya all and especially to Sven.Live and let live.Mukul - January 10, 2003 by mukul varma
MMD3 - Hey, Rafael Manz, What do you think your doing giving this one star because your not smart enough to download a file Either that, or your computer is a piece of shit. Either way, don't try rating something unless you've tried it. Not the skins fault that your, \"Not smart guy\". - November 2, 2002 by Tom McMaster
Gesus Christ... - I hate You.You and all those fucking genious skinners out-there..The difference between you and all the shitty skinners Details!Color themes implementation, great!Advanced viss, fucking amazing.You rock. - October 25, 2002 by Ame Ame
This is a must have - Not only is the design superb, it has every color schme imaginable, AND is uses all of winamp3's abilities. It doesn't leave necessities out like track time or a volume control you can see. The equalizer doesn't like like shit, and it even incorporates its own visualizations in the main winamp3 window. Definetely worth 6 stars, but I can't rate any higher than 5. - October 11, 2002 by Eric S
Mostly punk, standard shit; Sex Pistols, Ramones, The Clash. We progressed in a short amount of time, and started playing all types of metal etc.; Led Zep, Sabbath, and Rush. I wanted to be Geddy Lee.
Because no one likes you, nobody gives a shit about this article or any other articles. Anyone who edits it is a braindead faggot. And if that's not enough, nobody cares that your dog Sparky had to go to the veterinarian because the neighborhood kids stuck firecrackers up his ass. In fact, no matter how many times you inform the world how fat you were in high school and that you lost half your body weight on the Subway diet, still nobody cares. Were you to video yourself becoming an hero through the medium of pneumatic-drill/face interaction, the amount of attention and interest you would receive from the rest of the world would make Skuee look popular. If nobody cares about it, you shouldn't or you are with the anti-lulz. If you stumbled upon this article while searching for something, then you are clearly a nobody, so please continue reading.
On the internet, indifference (the emotional version of Shit no one cares about) is used by heartless unforgiving Anons to score lulz off people trying to make other people give a shit. It usually starts with OP posting a whiny, gay problem or proud accomplishment hoping for some advice, back-patting or any kind of positive input from someone whom he hopes may be stupider than him. From here on, our hard-trolling anon has a wide assortment of tactics to tell OP that nobody gives a fuck about him. 153554b96e