Download Virtua Tennis 2009 Full Version Game _HOT_
A couple of weeks today, a new kind of beta available for the Nintendo 3DS puzzle game Peg Solitaire! Let's take a look at what kinds of puzzles are available in this new beta. I will be the first to admit that I have no idea what this game is all about, but I did play it for about an hour or so on my 3DS following instructions in the bottom right corner of the screen to try out various puzzles. The game is not very complicated at first, but from what I found, there are multiple types of puzzles that are used, and some of them can be pretty difficult. So far, so good, but the tutorial is not very clear. At any rate, they're not going to force you to play through the tutorial, so if you really don't like the tutorial, skip through it. More puzzle choices are available after starting the game, although there are currently only 8 puzzle types even though the tutorial was mentioned as having puzzle types, levels and difficulty settings. As far as I can tell, the tutorial was simply skipping while "Save" was selected. I'm sure that will be fixed in the final version. In any case, once you know how to play the game, there's enough here to keep you busy for hours, and I think it will. So far so good. Just enjoy this beta and let us know if you have any ideas for improvements. Have fun! d2c66b5586