Fanuc Kfloppy !!EXCLUSIVE!!
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Get the robot controller (RJ2) to talk to a computer via cable RS232C. Fanuc says I need to purchase their Kfloppy software to do this. Is this true? Will the open source ware kde kfloppy do the same? Or can I speak to the computer via serial communication (ie Putty or hyper terminal).Is there anyway to avoid giving Fanuc more money?
Did you have any luck? I'm trying to setup a couple Fanuc S-420i robots with R-J2 controller so that I can send program files from my computer to the robot. I will try this as I believe you can send program files through kfloppy from what I have read.. If anyone else has any more info Re the controller end settings that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hello, I would appreciate any help you could give me, I'm dealing with a rj2 controller, trying to load the motion package from files on my laptop running on windows 10 to the controller using an adapter cable serial to usb, what I understand is that I need to run Dosbox and then to call the kfloppy program, my question is this do I need to change the pinout on this cable to the same as 9 to 25 pin cable configuration you posted here? 2b1af7f3a8