Hustlers Taboo Illustrated No 1 12l _BEST_
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Correctly or not, the use of the word prostitute without specifying a sex may commonly be assumed to be female; compound terms such as male prostitution or male escort are therefore often used to identify males. Those offering services to female customers are commonly known as gigolos; those offering services to male customers are hustlers or rent boys.
During the East India Company's rule in India from 1757 until 1857, it was initially fairly common for European soldiers serving in the presidency armies to solicit the services of Indian prostitutes, and they frequently paid visits to local nautch dancers for purposes of a sexual nature.[89] As European females began arriving to the Indian subcontinent in large numbers from the early to mid-19th century, it became increasingly uncommon for European soldiers to visit Indian prostitutes, and interracial relationships became taboo altogether after the events of the Indian Rebellion in 1857.[90] 2b1af7f3a8