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Version 7 of this product provided a number of enhanced operating features. In addition to the previously introduced data portability, NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 includes a completely upgraded and rewritten welcome dialog utility. NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 provides features for the creation and editing of labels, both static and dynamic, and label reading functions. NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 also incorporates a range of new wizards for label creation. The wizards include the MS Word label wizard and the PDF label wizard. In addition, NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 now supports full-page printouts of labels allowing not only print from windows applications but also can be placed on label paper from another 3rd party printer driver. The new print wizard allows the user to select specifically which labels to print including all pages or only selected pages from within a document. In addition, the label view is now configured with the ability to draw in the page margin, and has a variety of paper orientation settings to support landscape and portrait formats. Incorporation of Excel input is also possible. The Excel spreadsheet has been redesigned to include a large range of spreadsheet skills as well as an improved ribbon interface. In addition, data portability has also been significantly expanded for SAS and SPSS labels. Importable data formats include ASCII, CSV, CommaSeparated, FixedWidth, and FixedLength file formats. In addition, the text encoding of data import is configured to UnicodeEncoding or ANSIEncoding in an unlimited number of language and character sets. The development version of NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 has been migrated to Microsoft’s.NET 4.0 framework. In addition to the formation of several new wizards, NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 also incorporates the development of several new advanced forms, controls, and a range of updateable formatting, debugging, and standard report output options. The new report display includes support for all supported vendor point of sale display formats (such as Lightwall, U-Codes, and HonU). In addition, the new XML output format provides the ability to export as XSD for incoming data validation. NiceLabel Designer Pro 7 incorporates a new range of designing tools for label sheets, including the ability to export and import sheet format designs to Microsoft’s Excel 2007. A range of support for external languages and a range of new form layouts allow for the design of labels in various world languages, including Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, and Spanish. d2c66b5586