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Daniel Cable

Exile Of Lucifer: Chronicles Of The Host, Book 1 Book Pdf

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF - A Novel of Heaven and Hell

If you are looking for a thrilling and captivating novel that explores the origins of the cosmic conflict between good and evil, you should check out Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF by D. Brian Shafer. This book is the first installment of a six-part series that imagines the events that led to the fall of Lucifer and his rebel angels from heaven.

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 book pdf

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What is Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF about?

The story begins in heaven, where Lucifer, the anointed cherub, is one of the most powerful and beloved angels in God's presence. He is in charge of leading the worship of the Most High God, along with his fellow archangels Michael and Gabriel. However, Lucifer starts to harbor doubts and resentment about his role and destiny. He becomes envious of God's glory and authority, and he desires to be like Him.

When God announces His plan to create a new world called Earth, and to make a special creature called A-dam in His own image, Lucifer sees an opportunity to fulfill his ambition. He convinces a group of angels to join him in a secret plot to overthrow God and take over His throne. He also plans to corrupt and destroy God's new creation, hoping to prove His unworthiness and incompetence.

However, God is not unaware of Lucifer's scheme. He confronts him and his followers in a dramatic showdown that results in their exile from heaven. Lucifer becomes Satan, the adversary, and his angels become demons. They are cast down to Earth, where they begin their war against God and His creatures.

Why should you read Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF is a fascinating and creative novel that blends biblical truth with artistic imagination. It gives you a glimpse into the spiritual realm and the unseen forces that influence our world. It also helps you understand the character and nature of God, His love and justice, His sovereignty and grace.

The book is written in an engaging and descriptive style that draws you into the story and makes you feel like you are witnessing the events firsthand. The characters are well-developed and realistic, with their own personalities, emotions, motivations, and struggles. You will find yourself sympathizing with some of them, despising others, and cheering for others.

The book is also full of action, suspense, drama, and intrigue. It will keep you on the edge of your seat as you follow the twists and turns of the plot. It will also challenge you to think about your own relationship with God, your purpose in life, and your role in His plan.

How can you get Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

If you are interested in reading Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF, you have several options to get it. You can buy the paperback version from online or offline bookstores, or you can order it from the publisher's website. You can also get the ebook version from various platforms, such as Kindle, Nook, Kobo, or Google Play Books. The ebook version is DRM-free, which means you can read it on any device that supports ePub format.

Another option is to download Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF for free from some websites that offer free ebooks. However, you should be careful about the legality and quality of these websites. Some of them may violate the author's copyright or distribute pirated copies. Some of them may also contain viruses or malware that can harm your device or compromise your privacy. Therefore, it is advisable to use only reputable and trustworthy websites that respect the author's rights and provide high-quality ebooks.

What are some of the reviews of Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF has received many positive reviews from readers and critics alike. It has an average rating of 4.14 out of 5 stars on Goodreads, based on 400 ratings and 38 reviews. Here are some of the comments from the reviewers:

  • "First, I completely acknowledge that this is a work of fiction and so should everyone else. Moving on.... This was one of those books that I had trouble putting down. I've never read a fiction book about heaven and angels and certainly none that were trying to remain true to the bible. Reading an account of pre-creation Heaven was very eye opening to the fact that Heaven and angels are quite real." - Jeff

  • "Wow, what an excellent book! I just finished it a few days ago. The author's intentions of writing the book have been realized. My worship time last Sunday was incredible because I kept in my mind the Holiness of God and His Lovingkindness. The way the author portrayed the angels when they came near to God was gripping. As believers we can do much better than we have when worshiping God." - Gregory Miller

  • "This book and Shafer are the reason I do what I do, which is read and write. This book created a world for me that was so real it felt like was truly on the front lines. It makes you not only understand what the characters are going through but you feel them as well." - Casse NaRome

Who is the author of Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

The author of Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF is D. Brian Shafer, a pastor, teacher, and writer. He has a passion for bringing the Bible to life through fiction and drama. He has written several books and plays, including the Chronicles of the Host series, which consists of six books: Exile of Lucifer, Unholy Empire, Rising Darkness, Final Confrontation, Fire and Sword, and Son of Perdition.

Shafer has a Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. He has served as a pastor in various churches in Texas, California, and Arizona. He currently lives in Phoenix with his wife and three children.

What are some of the themes and messages of Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF is a novel that explores some of the deep and timeless questions about the origin and nature of evil, the purpose and plan of God, and the role and responsibility of human beings. Some of the themes and messages that emerge from the book are:

  • The danger of pride and rebellion. The book shows how Lucifer's pride led him to rebel against God and to deceive and corrupt others. It also shows how his rebellion brought consequences not only for himself but also for his followers and for God's creation.

  • The power of worship and obedience. The book shows how worship is a way of honoring and expressing love for God, and how obedience is a way of trusting and submitting to His will. It also shows how worship and obedience bring joy and peace to those who practice them.

  • The mystery of grace and mercy. The book shows how God is gracious and merciful to His creatures, even when they sin and rebel against Him. It also shows how God offers forgiveness and restoration to those who repent and believe in Him.

What are some of the benefits of reading Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

Reading Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF can offer you many benefits, such as:

  • It can enrich your imagination and creativity. The book transports you to a different world and time, where you can witness the events that shaped the history of heaven and earth. You can also visualize the characters and settings in vivid detail, thanks to the author's descriptive and expressive language.

  • It can enhance your knowledge and understanding. The book provides you with a lot of information and insights about the biblical account of creation and the fall, as well as the spiritual realm and the angelic hierarchy. You can also learn more about the author's background and perspective, as well as his sources and references.

  • It can inspire your faith and devotion. The book shows you the greatness and goodness of God, His love and justice, His sovereignty and grace. It also shows you the evil and deception of Satan, his pride and rebellion, his hatred and destruction. It can motivate you to worship and obey God, to resist and overcome Satan, and to trust and follow God's plan for your life.

How can you share your thoughts and opinions about Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF?

If you have read Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF, you may want to share your thoughts and opinions about it with others. You can do so by:

  • Writing a review or a comment on online platforms, such as Goodreads, Amazon,, or other websites that offer ebooks. You can rate the book, summarize its main points, highlight its strengths and weaknesses, recommend it to others, or ask questions about it.

  • Joining a discussion group or a book club that focuses on Christian fiction or biblical themes. You can exchange ideas and perspectives with other readers who have read or are interested in reading the book. You can also explore other books in the same genre or series.

  • Talking to your friends or family members who have read or may want to read the book. You can share your personal experiences and reactions to the book, as well as how it has impacted your faith and life. You can also encourage them to read the book or lend them your copy.

What are some of the other books in the Chronicles of the Host series?

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF is the first book in a six-part series that follows the epic saga of the war between God and Satan. The other books in the series are:

  • Unholy Empire: Chronicles of the Host, Book 2 PDF. This book continues the story of Lucifer's rebellion and his invasion of Earth. It also introduces the characters of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Enoch and Noah, and shows how they are affected by the spiritual conflict.

  • Rising Darkness: Chronicles of the Host, Book 3 PDF. This book covers the events from the flood to the tower of Babel, as well as the lives of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. It also reveals more about Lucifer's strategy and tactics, as well as God's promises and plans.

  • Final Confrontation: Chronicles of the Host, Book 4 PDF. This book spans the history of Israel from Moses to Jesus, as well as the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ. It also depicts the climax of the war between God and Satan, as well as the victory and defeat of both sides.

  • Fire and Sword: Chronicles of the Host, Book 5 PDF. This book narrates the events from Pentecost to Revelation, as well as the spread of Christianity and the persecution of believers. It also describes the final battles and judgments that will take place before the second coming of Christ.

  • Son of Perdition: Chronicles of the Host, Book 6 PDF. This book is a prequel that tells the story of Lucifer before his fall, as well as his relationship with God and his fellow angels. It also explains how he became corrupted and influenced by an ancient evil force.


Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF is a novel that will captivate you with its imaginative and biblical portrayal of the origin and nature of evil. It will also inspire you with its depiction of God's character and purpose. If you are looking for a book that will challenge your mind and stir your heart, you should read Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF.

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF is a novel that will captivate you with its imaginative and biblical portrayal of the origin and nature of evil. It will also inspire you with its depiction of God's character and purpose. If you are looking for a book that will challenge your mind and stir your heart, you should read Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF. d282676c82


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